Alejandra says:
Hey love
Mónica says:
Mónica says:
What’s up?
Alejandra says:
want to hear something weird?
Alejandra says:
I found out that Eric Hilton, the man who puts the thievery in thievery corporation, is dj-ing a set at 18th street lounge on Saturday
Alejandra says:
Jay and i have a party that night, but i know he would love to go
Alejandra says:
so i told him about it, and he's like "awesome, but i don't know if we'll be able to make it"
Alejandra says:
anyway, i go on the 18th st website to see if i can figure out better in terms of time, when eric will be doing his set
Mónica says:
Alejandra says:
so i didn't find any info but i signed up for the dc mailing list
Alejandra says:
(this is all last night)
Alejandra says:
Alejandra says:
So this morning i get an e-mail from a so-called Mat Whittington responding to my sign up for the list that says “you going to be at the lounge on Saturday?”
Alejandra says:
and i thought he wanted to know if i wanted to be on the list
Mónica says:
That’s interesting…
Alejandra says:
so i write back and say: "yes, i'm hoping to make it, but my friend and i have a party earlier that evening. hopefully we'll be able to go later if we can get in"
Alejandra says:
and he replies "should be a good time. too bad i won't be here..."
Alejandra says:
and i was like "why are you missing it?"
Alejandra says:
and he's like "have to go to london and france for work. I leave tomorrow. Tough break, i know, but i always enjoy eric's sets."
Alejandra says:
anyway we keep writing back and forth and i'm like "do you always reply to all the strangers that sign up on the guestlist?"
Alejandra says:
and he's like "well i respond to everyone with a generic greeting, but i dont' joke around with them all. Just the ones with interesting names..."
Alejandra says:
anyway we kept e-mailing – talked about where we grew up, our favorite bars, favorite brunch places.
Mónica says:
Good heavens
Alejandra says:
Alejandra says:
yeah but get this
Alejandra says:
i Googled him
Mónica says:
Mónica says:
Who is he? Some major record exec?
Alejandra says:
he's the Label Manager for Eighteenth Street Music
Mónica says:
Holy crow. Of course.
Mónica says:
I should know him, I think.
Alejandra says:
i know!
Mónica says:
How come you now know him and I don’t?!
Alejandra says:
he's awesome
Mónica says:
How come you have your awesome web-editing job and I don’t?!
Alejandra says:
Moe, don’t hate.
Mónica says:
Alejandra, why have you stolen my life?!
Mónica says:
Alejandra says:
i'm a pod person
Mónica says:
Mónica says:
Alejandra says:
you sound so dramatic in caps
Mónica says:
Maybe I should start wanting to be a journalist… NO NO NO
Mónica says:
Alejandra says:
Alejandra says:
Alejandra says:
we can trade lives
Mónica says:
Yes, and I’ll start meeting all these great food critic type persons… just by coincidence!
Alejandra says:
it's so weird though
Alejandra says:
that i'm just chatting with this guy
Alejandra says:
while listening to his music
Alejandra says:
very strange
Mónica says:
Give it ten years time and I’ll be disguising myself to eat in the hottest new restaurants, ping-ponging back and forth between LA and NYC and you’ll be up to your ears in A&R reps and entertainment lawyers, putting up hot new bands in swanky hotels that are worth way more than their music!
Mónica says:
And then we’ll call each other after ten years, just to catch up (because we’ve been so incredibly busy with our respective, flourishing careers),
Alejandra says:
of courrse
Mónica says:
And you’ll say “I don’t know how I got into this… when did this happen?! I don’t even like these bands! Whose idea was it to bring back disco anyway?!”
Alejandra says:
Mónica says:
And I’ll say, “I know… I’ve lost so much weight in the past few years. I hate food now. I just want to eat jell-o all the time. And macaroni and cheese with hot dogs cut up in it… where did my life GO?!”
Alejandra says:
mmmm i love mac and cheese and hotdogs
Mónica says:
And then we’ll agree to quietly and secretly switch jobs (knowing of course that this would work because our voices sound identical over the phone and no one on the planet – not even our parents – would ever know the difference).
Alejandra says:
Mónica says:
And we won’t tell a single soul…
Alejandra says:
except for our hot husbands
Mónica says:
Of course, I am forced to change my name to Alejandra Jorge
Mónica says:
And you to Monica Natacha
Alejandra says:
Mónica says:
Well, yes, our husbands would know.
Mónica says:
But by this time, really, I would be so gaunt that I would have resorted to lesbianism
Mónica says:
And you’re married to Scott Stapp, whom you’ve grown incredibly weary of because all he does is whine and question existential issues all the time.
Alejandra says:
By the way, I love that you've managed to include your dream of being a waif
Alejandra says:
Wait, Scott STAPP!?!?
Mónica says:
Yeah. Sorry. He was the worst I could think of.
Alejandra says:
God, i hope i have more imagination that that
Mónica says:
No! Wait! Benji, from Good Charlotte!
Alejandra says:
Alejandra says:
Nick Lachey?
Mónica says:
Alejandra says:
Alejandra says:
Mónica says:
He’s a nice guy who just happened to fall into a bad situation that snowballed. First 98 Degrees, then Jessica Simpson… the world is NOT his oyster, believe me.
Alejandra says: i'll hook you up with the brunette from TaTU
Mónica says:
You’re a gem. A real friend, Alejandra.
Mónica says:
Fine, you can have Nick Lachey.
Alejandra says:
Alejandra says:
he'll still be getting alimony from Jessica, who will be running a home for abused wives with Britney Spears (formerly Federline)
Mónica says:
You know Alejandra, you ALWAYS insist on having the best in these daydreams while I am continuously sacrificing a happy and prosperous life…
Mónica says:
You end up with Enrique Iglesias, and Nick Lachey
Mónica says:
While I end up with random Dave Josslyn and the mediocre half of a sucky lesbian duo.
Mónica says:
DAVE JOSSLYN!! In lieder hosen, nonetheless!!! And with his strange brother/cousin/nanny!!!
Alejandra says:
Whatever Moe. At least you get to be really skinny.
 | Currently reading : Dry : A Memoir By Augusten Burroughs Release date: By 01 April, 2004 |